We finally got a weather window to be able to head out of Spanish Wells and were ecstatic. That meant that we would be able to take a few days and make it over to Florida. Little did we know that in those few days the Corona virus would be wreaking it’s havoc in the US and there would be a national emergency declared. Had we known it would have been an easy decision to practice social distancing by staying at anchor in the Bahamas.

Our crossing to Stuart, FL was uneventful – just the way you want it to be when you need to get across 80 miles of open water.
Arriving back in Florida was a shock (just like we had last year) with so many boaters speeding in all directions throwing up massive wakes. We immediately missed the peacefulness of the Bahamas.
We made our way to Stuart and grabbed a mooring ball for the night, reunited with Forever Friday (Mike & Mary). The AT (American Tug) Team was back together for one final hurrah – Heartbeat (AT 34′), Scaliwag (AT 41′) and Forever Friday (AT 34′)