About Us
We are from the amazing Pacific Northwest, precisely Portland, OR. We found our new to us American Tug 34 in Grand Rivers, KY in late Spring of 2018 and left the dock a few months later in early Fall.
How did we find ourselves on The Great Loop? Pretty simple, we heard about it and it seemed like an amazing way to see our own country. Life is short and unpredictable so we quit good jobs, rented our house and headed out with our dog Penny for the trip of a lifetime.
About This Blog
We do not pretend to be writers. In fact neither of us likes writing. We do however try to remember to use spell check.
There are no professional pictures or videos here – when we remember we break out the iPhones or GoPro in an attempt to show what we are seeing.
We can not capture all that happens in a day so this blog skims the surface.
We do not exactly like this blog format but it’s what we have.
With that said we hope a few of our friends and family enjoy following our trip!