We staged ourselves with Mike & Kelly + their kiddos (INNTW) at Linderman Cay which is just north of Key Largo for the evening. At first light we pulled the anchor up and left through Angelfish Cut, pointed ourselves due East and rode the Gulf Stream current North toward Bimini. It took us ~7 hours, seas were 2-3ft for the first third of the trip and then mostly flat. A few freighters in the shipping lane and we saw/heard ~10 other pleasure boats make their way into various marinas about the time we did. Pleasure craft all move when the weather is good!
 Sun rising as we leave Angelfish Cut and make our way into the Atlantic. |
 Kent (and Penny) doing a quick check of the engine during our crossing. |
No delays at Immigration & Customs, Captain Kent handed over $150 and got our 90 day cruising permit and fishing license. We clinked glasses at Blue Water Marina with Mike & Kelly that evening surrounded by crystal clear turquoise water.
 Heartbeat in Bimini waters. |
Bull sharks visit the Blue Water Marina and the surrounding harbor, no swimming yet for us!
 Welcome to Bimini |
 Sunset beach walk our first evening in the Bahamas. |
 Dinner out with Mike & Kelly (+ their kiddos who were off at their own table). |
We stayed most of the time on North Bimini Island which according to Wikipedia is 7mi long, 700 ft wide and home to ~2,000 people. South Bimini Island where we stayed for one night and is home to ~200 people and is where the airport is located.
 Streets are narrow and shared with cars, golf carts, scooters, bicyclists, pedestrians and city vehicles such as waste management and police. |
 Barely got a pic taken before a loaf of the local Bimini Bread was gone. It is a sweet bread due to the use of coconut and comes fresh out of the oven all day from a couple of bakers in town. |
 Breakfast potluck at the marina. Great food and a nice meet & greet with the others who are staying on the dock. |
 Picked up our Bahamas hot spot at the airport, heaven forbid we go without wifi. 🙂 While likely this will not work at the outer islands it will be nice to have it the rest of the time. |
 Weekly delivery boat docked just in front of the marina. In the span of an afternoon the various grocery stores went from mostly empty shelves to stocked full. Get your produce the day/day after the boat arrives or your pickings could be slim. |
 Water is coveted on an island, $0.75/gallon should you choose to have it unlocked and use any from the marina. No thank you, our water maker is keeping our tanks full since we can run it in the clear waters right at our dock. Yeah! |
 Kent floating off South Bimini – no bull sharks (sighted) nearby. |
Trash is an issue on the islands. From what we hear the larger islands have landfills, smaller islands may just burn it all. Smaller islands may also charge you to take care of it so we tried to get rid of most excess packaging before we left the US.
 We still can not seem to put cans and glass directly in the trash, they accumulate on our counters. There are no recycling options in most locations we have been since leaving Oregon but old habits are hard to break. |
 On a positive note this is a pretty cool concept to prevent sea life from getting tangled in misplaced plastic 6 pack rigs. It is from a Florida brewery who make their 6 pack rings out of barley and wheat which then compost in sea water. |
Bimini is where we wait for our next weather window (surely you have caught on that this is a major theme for us) to cross over to our next destination.
 Map/refresher of the Bahama Islands. We know we will not be able to explore them all in the time we have but we have a general idea of those we do hope to visit. |